Are you trying to refresh your feed on Pinterest, but it simply isn’t working?

Perhaps nothing is reloading, or Pinterest keeps showing you the same pins over and over again.

In either case, there is usually an easy fix to this problem.

In this article, I’ll share with you 5 different things to try out when your Pinterest feed isn’t updating, and what you can do to solve the problem!

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Did you recently check your tracking number to see a message stating ‘Tendered for delivery,’ or ‘Tendered to delivery service provider?’

This message is surprisingly common, and actually has quite a simple explanation behind it.

So, in this article I’ll be covering exactly what these messages mean, how they affect your delivery, and what you should know if you see either of these messages while tracking your package.

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Are  you looking at someone on Facebook Messenger, and see a green dot next to their name?

Thankfully, there is a simple reason behind this.

In this article, I’ll be sharing what the green dot means, when it appears, and how its meaning can change depending on different situations you see it in.

I’ll also be sharing how you can turn off the green dot next to your name as well!

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Let’s say that you needed to write a check quickly, but all you’ve got available to you is a pencil.

Pencils are not commonly used to write checks, so this can lead people to wonder whether or not writing a check with a pencil is even allowed.

So, will banks accept checks written in pencil?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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