Do you enjoy making FaceTime calls, but noticed that it drains your battery really quickly?

This is normal, but have you ever wondered why it happens?

In this article, I’ll be covering what exactly causes FaceTime to use so much battery, whether or not its safe to use FaceTime while your device is charging, and what you can do to save battery while FaceTiming with others.

Let’s get to it!

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Are you tracking your package with USPS, and see a message that says ‘depart from transit office of exchange?’

To the average person, this message makes very little sense, and doesn’t really give any insight as to where the package is actually at.

So, what does this message mean, how long will it take your package to arrive after seeing it, and what should you do if USPS gets stuck here?

In this article, I’ll be covering everything that you need to know!

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Are you expecting a package to be delivered from USPS, but instead you received a notice or message stating ‘no authorized recipient available?’

This message is frustrating to see, especially if you were expecting your package to arrive today.

So, why did USPS leave this message, and what should you do to ensure your package will arrive as quickly as possible?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Have you recently tracked a Fedex shipment, only to see that the page is stuck on ‘label created?’

Perhaps it also shows a message that says ‘shipment information sent to Fedex’ or, ‘the status will be updated when shipment begins to travel.’

This can be both confusing and frustrating, especially if it’s lasted for several days now, and no other information is available.

So, what does this message mean, and how long should it last? Just as importantly, is there anything you should do to make the package finally start moving?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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