Does YouTube keep pausing while you watch videos, seemingly at random?

This can really hamper your viewing experience, and make it difficult to sit down and actually enjoy a video for any length of time.

In this article, I’ll be covering all known fixes for this issue. Because it can be hard to know exactly what’s causing the video to pause, I recommend trying out all of the fixes that apply to you, to ensure the problem is fixed once and for all.

Let’s get started!

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Have you heard about the powerful new langauge model ChatGPT, and are wondering if it’s actually legit?

While everybody’s hyping it up and talking about how crazy powerful it is, it can cause you to wonder whether it’s actually true.

So, is ChatGPT legit, can the apps in the app store be trusted, and how can you make sure you’re using the official version?

In this article, I’ll be covering all of that and more!

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Have you heard about OpenAI’s new model ChatGPT, which is currently taking the world by storm?

Reaching over a million users in just 5 days, it can cause you to wonder what all the fuss is about.

So, is ChatGPT free to use, and if so, will it remain free forever?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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Have you recently heard of ChatGPT, the extremely powerful language model that’s taking the world by storm?

Although you’d think it were created by a major tech company like Google, Microsoft or Apple, this isn’t actually the case!

In fact, it was actually created by a smaller company most people have never heard of.

So, who owns ChatGPT, and how are the tech giants responding?

In this article, we’ll cover all of that and more!

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ChatGPT is one of the most incredible tools that the world has ever seen, and you can talk to it about almost anything.

However, ChatGPT is ultimately being hosted by OpenAI, and the data that you send runs through their servers.

This may cause you to worry about your privacy.

Are the conversations private? Is OpenAI storing everything that it said? How safe is ChatGPT to use?

These are all excellent questions. In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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