Are you having trouble checking out on Amazon?

Whether the proceed to checkout button is missing entirely, Amazon is showing an error or the page simply isn’t loading, this can be quite frustrating – especially if you’re ready to be done shopping!

Thankfully, Amazon is a massive company, and errors like these cause them a lot of money. So, we have a lot of information available on how to fix this.

In this article, I’ll be covering 6 different reasons why you may have trouble checking out on Amazon, and what can be done to fix it.

Let’s get started!

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Do you want to text a 5 digit number, and are wondering how to do so?

Five digit numbers – often called ‘short codes’, are a great way for companies to encourage text responses. But how are you actually supposed to send a message to them?

Thankfully, the process is quite easy. In this article, I’ll be teaching you how to text 5 or 6 digit numbers, how to know if your text message went through, and also share a bit about why businesses use short codes in the first place!

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Are you looking next to someone’s username on Cash App – be it your own and someone else’s, and notice an icon of a green building?

While this most isn’t present on most people’s accounts, there are a small segment of Cash App users that have this icon on this page.

So, what does this mean, how does it affect your account, and how can you remove it?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Do you have a screenshot from Snapchat with Emojis in it, covering up something you want to see.

Perhaps you did this to your own photo by mistake, and you can’t find anyway to ‘Undo’ it. Or, perhaps you’re just curious what’s behind one of the stickers that somebody else sent you.

Either way, we now have more tools than ever that are able to help.

So, in this article I’ll be talking about how Snapchat Emojis / stickers actually work, and what can be done to remove them!

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Is UPS tracking stating a message that your package may be delayed, due to “operating conditions?”

To make matters worse, sometimes the estimated delivery date can no longer be viewed either! So, what gives?

Although this message doesn’t really give you a whole lot of information to work with, the meaning behind it is actually quite simple.

So, in this article, I’ll cover what these ‘operating conditions’ actually are, how long your package may be delayed, and what you should do next!

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