Are you browsing the ‘Quick Add’ section of Snapchat, and see people popping up with a message that says ‘3+ Mutual Friends?’

Although this can seem confusing, there’s actually a simple explanation behind it.

So, what exactly is a ‘mutual friend’ on Snapchat, and why are these specific people being suggested to it? Additionally, does this mean you’re popping up to other random people as well?

In this article, I’ll be answering all of these questions and more!

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Are you looking to make an international FaceTime call, and you’re wondering whether or not will be charged for it?

If you’re contacting someone outside of the country or you’re currently traveling internationally, this is a completely normal concern.

So, in this article I’ll explain how you can avoid extra charges, and be able to place video and audio FaceTime calls without needing to spend any additional money.

Let’s get into it!

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Are you posting a video on TikTok, and are wondering how long it will take before it gets any views?

The truth is, TikTok’s algorithm (and how it decides when to push out videos) is very unique, and there wasn’t anything else like it before TikTok came along.

So, in this article I’ll be explaining exactly how the algorithm works, and the different stages each video goes through that determines when – and how many views a video receives. I’ll also be covering things such as when the views should start, when notifications get sent out to followers, and more!

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Do you have a message that you want to delete on Reddit?

Whether it be a standard or chat message, Reddit makes it easy to delete them, once you know where to look.

So, in this article, I’ll be showing you step-by-step how to delete all types of messages on Reddit – including those you’ve sent to other people.

Let’s get started!

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Are you looking to follow someone on Spotify, and you’re wondering whether or not they’ll receive a notification when you do so?

Or perhaps, you’re simply curious when people follow you instead.

Either way, it leads you to wonder – does Spotify ever send a notification when someone is followed? And if so, what does the notification actually say?

In this article, I’ll cover everything that you need to know!

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