Last Updated on January 10, 2022 by James McAllister

By: James McAllister


Sure, you could get people to your website, maybe even get them to click on an ad, or buy a product through one of your affiliate links. But what if the content on your page sucks? They will come, but they’ll never come back again. One and done. You don’t want that, right? Prevent that from happening and follow these simple tips to keep people on your website.

1. Keep Your Content Short

These days, people have gotten more and more impatient while reading things online. Studies have shown that people are more likely to scan articles now for pieces of information they want to know instead of reading the whole thing from beginning to end. With so many websites out there, why not do this, right? But you don’t want your visitors to. You want them to hear everything you have to offer.

The best way to encourage people to read your content from beginning to end is to keep it short and sweet. If an article can be read from beginning to end rather quickly, people will do it. If you are going to write a very long article, make sure the introduction is compelling, and you keep the content interesting throughout. Appropriate images and video help with this.

2. Keep Your Content Simple

Your content should be able to be understood by people with all experience levels. Try not to use big or sophisticated word choice if there are simpler alternatives available. If people can’t understand one of your articles, they may be reluctant to check out others in fear they wouldn’t understand those as well, and leave to another website.

3. Write Unique Content

Nobody wants to read paraphrased content from another website. Try to keep your content as unique as possible. If you do end up writing about a subject which has already been covered by a few other websites, try to add your own unique spin on it.

4. Write To Inform, Not To Sell

People don’t come to websites to click on your ads, or buy your affiliate products. They come to your website for information. And one of the biggest turn offs when arriving on any website is where there are ads getting in the way of the content.  Content should always come first!

Things to avoid when writing content:

  • Ads within your article that looks like text
  • Popups that don’t make sense – such as entrance pop-ups that appear before readers can even view your content.
  • Advertisements within content (Many people put an excessive amount of advertisements between paragraphs, your visitors will hate you for it)
  • Sound based advertisements
  • Excessive amounts of affiliate links

Follow these four rules when writing content for your website, and keep your visitors coming back. Remember – no visitors, no money!

About the author 

James McAllister

James is the owner of He started his first blog at the age of 11, and has since gone on to start several successful businesses. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Here on, he shares his knowledge that brought him to where he is today. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks!

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