In December, every day is Christmas for affiliate marketers.
Money is being spent left and right. Employees are getting their Christmas bonuses and are using all of that extra money to buy presents for this year’s holiday season. Many are also spending extra money on themselves. In either case, money is being thrown around like it’s nothing.
Best of all, this type of spending is going to continue on throughout January as people take back their Christmas presents and purchase different ones.
It’s the happiest time of the year. Especially for bloggers like you and me – if you can capitalize on it.Â
Let me tell you, December has consistently been my highest earning month all year since I began blogging. I make more affiliate sales in December than in any other month, and there has never been any exception to this.
This has been especially true with physical products. It makes sense, after all. It’s not so easy to put an e-Book  or video under the Christmas tree and open it on Christmas day. I find that this time of year, more people buy info products for themselves and physical products for others. Since Christmas is about giving moreso than receiving, it makes sense that physical products will sell more.
But to prove my point, let me share a personal example with you. In July, I started an Amazon review site because I was curious to see if you could still make money with them. I promoted digital pianos. The majority of the articles were strictly reviews of the various digital pianos available on the market. I wrote a few informational posts as well, but the bulk of the site was reviews.
This review site hasn’t done too well. I’ve made a few sales a month, which is nice, but I was hoping for more. However, starting in November, I’ve seen a huge surge of sales. It’s only the beginning of December, and I’ve sold more pianos the past month than I have in the other 5 months combined. People are buying their families digital pianos for Christmas, and I’m reaping the rewards as a result. This just proves the power of affiliate marketing during the Christmas season.
Are you also capitalizing on this special time of the year?
You should be racking up the promotion for products throughout the next two months. Write new posts. Send out new emails. Convince people why they should spend their holiday money on what you have to offer. Put the products you’re promoting in front of their eyes. Everyone else is doing it, and you should be too.
Stepping Away From The Computer
I think we have a lot to learn from major retailers when it comes to Christmas marketing. Turn on your television for a moment and flick through the channels until you find commercials (shouldn’t be difficult, they’re everywhere these days.)
Take the time to analyze some Christmas advertisements. Think about how the companies tailor their advertisements into the holiday season. How they bring Christmas into their commercial – and use the holidays to help form a call to action for their advertisement.
These companies have millions to spend on advertising budgets and will do whatever they can to make the most of their money. Don’t be afraid to use their ideas.
Don’t Just Promote, Sell!

Of course, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. You can’t just put products out there and expect people to come and buy them. With retail shopping, it’s easier to an extent because people can only travel and shop so far – there are only a few stores to go to that offer X product. On the internet, this is completely different. You can’t just bring people to your site – you got to keep them there, and do what you can to make the sale. Otherwise, there are thousands of other sites for them to visit that will.
The truth is, your competition knows about the extra money available this holiday season. They’re already promoting and tweaking their promotions for maximum conversions. They’re on top of it. You have a mountain to climb to grab a piece of the pie.
That’s why I recommend knowing both your audience and affiliate marketing inside and out. Without knowing either one of those, your chances of raking in big cash this holiday season are slim to none. That’s not to say you still won’t see an increase in sales (you will) but not as large as you want it to be.
If you haven’t already, I highly recommend signing up for Affilorama. They offer over 100 free affiliate marketing tutorials that beginners and pros alike can learn a lot from. They also offer more paid lessons, although you don’t have to purchase those. Even the free lessons available are sure to teach you skills to help you capitalize on Christmas spending this year.
I could talk about Affilorama for hours but I’d much rather you spend your valuable time viewing the free lessons than just reading about them. There’s a lot of info to cover and December is already upon us. Therefore, you should sign up for a free account and get started right away so you can learn how to implement your newfound knowledge on your site.
You’ll be glad you did!
How else are you preparing your website for the holiday season? What preparations have you taken to make the most amount of money possible? I’d love to hear what you’ve done so far – we all have something to learn from you!