Note: All products listed below are available as part of the VIP Club!

Hello, and thank you for visiting my products page! Here, you’ll find all of the training programs that I have to offer.

My products are broken up into two categories – video courses, and ‘blueprints’ – text-based courses on smaller, more niche topics. Each is designed to comprehensively cover everything you would ever need to know about the topic!

Currently, my courses sell for $97, and the blueprints sell for $19. If you have any questions or you need help choosing the best product for, please get in touch via email or the live chat widget on the bottom-right of your screen. Thank you!

Courses ($297 / each)

The Creator Success System

The Creator Success System

This is my flagship course – it will show you step-by-step how to build a profitable online business as a creator, in as little as an hour a day. Out of every possible business model that you could be running, nothing offers the freedom and flexibility that becoming a creator offers. From picking your platforms, to creating content effortlessly to making your first $10,000 month even before you have a large audience, this course will show you everything you need to know.

Click Here For More Information!


Email Marketing: Build A Huge List Of Engaged Subscribers!

Email Marketing: Build A Huge List Of Engaged Subscribers!

Build a huge list of engaged subscribers and then profit from them through clever email marketing! Email is one of the most powerful marketing channels available, and having a thorough knowledge of email marketing and how to use it effectively is more powerful than even blogging!

The truth is, most internet marketers will make their money through their email list and what they’re able to do with it. With this course, I will teach you not only how to build a large, engaged list, but monetize it effectively as well! This course is a fantastic choice for both beginner and experienced email marketers!

Click Here For More Information!


Success Simplified – Building A Mindset For Success!


Transform the way you view the world and position yourself for success in every area of life! Little has more of an effect on your success than the way you think about the world. This course will change the way you see the world, and by applying the concepts taught in this course, you put yourself in a position to find success in whatever’s important to you. Not just financial success, but familial, emotional, personal, and spiritual success as well!

Many people find this to be my most transformative course of all, because without the proper mindset, nothing else matters!

Click Here For More Information! 


Outsourcing: Building Full-Time, Philippines-Based Teams

Outsourcing Course

Build your remote workforce for pennies on the dollar, and scale your company to entirely new levels! This course will show you the exact method I used to build and manage teams of full-time Philippines employees, even with no management experience!

If you could hire a new employee for just $300 a month and free up 40 hours a week of time, how would that transform your business? This course is the most comprehensive guide on the internet for how to hire from the Philippines!

Click Here For More Information!


Blogging For Money: Starting Your Very Own Web Business!

Blogging For Money: Starting Your Very Own Web Business!

Learn how to make money online by starting your very own WordPress blog – then build traffic to your site and profit! Whether you’re a complete beginner without a site online or you’re an experienced blogger who just isn’t seeing the results you’re expecting, this course will take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do to find success in each of the four areas necessary to achieve blogging success – building your website, creating compelling content, building traffic, and finally, making money!

Click Here For More Information! 

Achieve Financial Independence And Retire Early!

Achieve Financial Independence And Retire Early!

Learn how to achieve financial independence and retire as early as possible by making changes to your spending and putting your money to work for you. With over 30 lectures and more being added all the time, this course can be completely lifechanging!

Click Here For More Information!

Kindle eBook Publishing – Achieve Success With No Marketing!


Kindle is one of the most passive income sources available if you do it right. With this course, I teach you how you can build a Kindle publishing business, allowing you to create a book once and collect royalty checks from it forever. By following the advice laid out in this course, you will set your books up in a way that will allow them to sell completely on their own with no marketing or maintenance whatsoever.

If passive income is what you’re after, this is the course for you!

Click Here For More Information!


Blueprints ($19 / each)

Niche Selection Blueprint

Are you just starting out with your online business, and aren’t sure what niche you should work in? This blueprint covers everything you need to know about choosing a niche, including…

  • 250+ examples of profitable niches worth considering
  • Analyzing the profitability and competition of a niche
  • How to ensure your niche will be viable in the long-term, allowing your business earnings to grow steadily over time.

This blueprint contains 14 lessons and 1 downloadable worksheet.

Click Here To Purchase The Niche Selection Blueprint!

Blog Content Blueprint

The heart of any blog is its content. The question is, are you developing content that is actually having an impact?  This blueprint is all about creating content that will actually move the needle for your business. Some example topics include…

  • Structuring content for different objectives (direct sales, lead generation, brand awareness, etc.)
  • Writing content that people are actually searching for (and ensuring each article has a measurable impact)
  • Generating limitless content ideas, so you never struggle to come up with things to write about again.

This blueprint contains 17 modules. Note: This blueprint is included free with my blogging course. However, if you would like to purchase it separately, you can do so by clicking the link below.

Click Here To Purchase The Blog Content Blueprint!

Amazon Affiliate Blueprint

Amazon’s affiliate program remains one of the most powerful monetization channels for websites and YouTube channels today. Even with Amazon’s low commission rates, it is still possible to make a full-time income through Amazon’s affiliate program alone! In this blueprint, I share intermediate-advanced techniques the world’s top affiliate marketers use to maximize their earnings from Amazon’s affiliate program. Some example topics include…

  • Choosing the right products to promote
  • How to structure content so it will passively attract qualified traffic, and convert those readers into buyers
  • How to scale earnings through split testing, content repurposing, and other advanced tactics.

This blueprint contains 21 modules.

Click Here To Purchase The Amazon Affiliate Blueprint!

Google Adsense / Display Advertising Blueprint

This blueprint is geared towards helping publishers scale maximize ad revenue on their websites. Although most examples are given with Google Adsense, the principals apply to any ad network. Some example topics include…

  • How to choose and test various ad networks to increase your advertising RPM.
  • Optimizing ad placements for maximum earnings.
  • Utilizing plugins and other software to split-test ad placements / sizes.
  • How to utilize display advertising alongside other website monetization channels.

This blueprint contains 14 modules and best suited for those with a beginner – intermediate level of experience with display advertising. Experienced publishers may not gain as much value from this blueprint.

Click Here To Purchase The Display Advertising Blueprint!

Storytelling For Business Blueprint

Story remains one of the most powerful ways to build connection and trust in today’s competitive landscape. It is also an extremely effective tactic used to sell more products, without coming across as pushy or salesy. This blueprint covers everything you need to know to generate limitless story ideas, and share them effectively so they generate results. Some example topics include…

  • The psychology behind captivating and compelling stories.
  • How to use different kinds of stories to build fans, make people trust you, and sell more products.
  • How to build a reservoir of interesting stories to instantly tap into, even if you do not feel like you have any.
  • Storytelling presentation tips – both when telling stories through text, as well as through speech.
  • 60+ ideas for new stories you can use each week.

This blueprint contains 8 modules.

Click Here To Purchase The Storytelling For Business Blueprint!

Customer Service Templates

This is a package of customer service templates that addresses the most common questions or concerns you’re likely to face from customers.

This package is best suited for eCommerce, SaaS, or other online stores and contains 30+ templates. Some of the templates are also suitable for creators, but I developed this when I was handling dozens of customer service inquiries per day on my eCommerce stores.

Click Here To Purchase The Customer Service Templates Pack!