Achieve Financial Independence And Retire Early!

Retire early by taking control of your personal finances and living off of your investments forever!

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When Do You Want To Retire?

How incredible would be to quit your day job and retire early, spending the rest of your life doing things that you love? When you become financially independent, the income your assets generate for you are greater than your expenses, meaning your job is no longer necessary.

Using the simple concepts taught in this course, you are going to learn how to take control of your personal finances to decrease your spending, without sacrificing the quality of your life in any way. You will also learn how to increase your income from sources other than paid employment. Finally, you'll put all of this extra money to work for you using a common, passive investing strategy that requires no economic knowledge or maintenance.

The concepts taught in this course are simple to understand, and are applicable to anybody, regardless of your background. Financial independence is possible for anybody who is willing to work for it, even if you are only making minimum wage.

To take this course, you must be prepared to make serious changes in both your life and your mindset towards money. While you'll learn how to take control of your finances and put your money to work, only you can take the advice within this course and put it to use.

Here's What's Going To Happen When You Sign Up

  • You're going to put your money to work for you by using an incredibly common investing strategy that you can start today!
  • Cut your expenses by as much as 75% without sacrificing quality of life!
  • Increase your income if you're currently struggling!
  • Retire in as little as 7 years - even if you have no savings whatsoever!
  • Enjoy more of life's most valuable resources - time, love, money and happiness!
  • Finally, you'll have lifetime access to the course and all future lectures I continue to add to it!

Lecture List:

Section One: Introduction To Financial Independence

  1. What Is Financial Independence?
  2. How Can Financial Independence Be Achieved?
  3. If Financial Independence Is So Easy, Why Isn’t Everybody Doing It?
  4. The Beauty Of Early Retirement
  5. Section One Quiz

Section Two: Career And Income

  1. The Importance Of Starting Young
  2. Is College Still A Good Choice? Not Always!
  3. Best College Majors For Early Retirement
  4. 25 High Paying Jobs That Do Not Require A College Degree
  5. Entrepreneurship - An Alternate Path
  6. 5 Low-Capital Business Ideas
  7. Section Two Quiz

Section Three: Revolutionizing Your Personal Finances

  1. Why Spending Less Is More Powerful Than Making More
  2. Analyzing Your Spending
  3. Sample Income and Expenses
  4. Creating An Emergency Fund
  5. Good Debt vs. Bad Debt
  6. A Foolproof Method of Avoiding Bad Debt
  7. The Hidden Costs Of Having A Job
  8. How To Cut Your Expenses And Live Comfortably
  9. Section Three Quiz

Section Four: Putting Your Money To Work

  1. Understanding The Stock Market, And Why Investing Is Easier And Safer Than You Think
  2. A Sample Portfolio That Will Beat 98% Of Active Managers
  3. Are Rental Properties A Good Idea?
  4. 5 Investing Tips You MUST Follow To Achieve Financial Independence
  5. Where To Place Your Money, In Order
  6. Section Four Quiz

Section Five: Retirement

  1. How You Know You Have Enough To Retire - The 4% Rule
  2. Adapting To Life After You Retire
  3. Improve Your Income Further By Creating Passive Income
  4. Section Five Quiz

Section Six: Conclusion And Bonuses

  1. Conclusion
  2. Awesome Financial Books You Should Check Out!
  3. What To Do Next

Everything You Need To Know To Achieve Financial Independence For Only...

$997 --> $297!

A perfect starter to learn and develop successful habits for a great financial future, touching on investing, cutting expenses, entrepreneurship, and creating passive income. Also left me with many book recommendations so I can go in depth to the topics that interested me most in this course.

Joseph Rapier

This course is great because it covers all of the fundamentals of how to become financially independent. Although some of this content was not new to me, James covers it very well in a language anyone who wants to, can understand. James did great with working with his audience to get through the course, and it is even more reassuring when he mentions he is always at his audiences disposal for questions and concerns. Can't wait for the upcoming future courses!

Caleb Wittmer
get started now

Meet Your Instructor

james mcallisterHey there!

My name is James McAllister, and 5 years ago I discovered the concept of financial independence. A topic so exciting and interesting to me, that I dedicated myself to learning everything that I possibly could about it.

I read every book, studied every article, and signed up for every forum discussing the attainment of a financially independent lifestyle, internalizing the information and lessons from the world's best experts on that topic.

In this course, I've compiled everything I know - all of the world's best information, into one area. While I can't say this course will make you financially independent on its own, I can assure you of this - by following the advice plainly laid out for you, you will be on the path you need to become financially independent yourself. It's just a matter of how long it will take you get there, and whether or not you can remain disciplined enough along the way.

I look forward to seeing you inside the course, and answering any questions you have throughout your journey to financial independence!

Frequently Asked Questions

    [op_question question="What%20formats%20are%20the%20lectures%20in%3F%20"]The%20majority%20of%20this%20course%20is%20in%20video%20format.%20However%2C%20there%20are%20a%20lectures%20that%20make%20more%20sense%20in%20text%20format.%20These%20can%20be%20viewed%20in%20your%20browser%20or%20downloaded%20onto%20your%20phone%2C%20tablet%2C%20or%20PC.[/op_question] [op_question question="How%20long%20will%20it%20take%20to%20complete%3F%20"]This%20depends%20entirely%20on%20you.%20This%20course%20is%20designed%20in%20a%20way%20that%20encourages%20you%20to%20apply%20the%20lessons%20as%20you%20go%20through%20it%20so%20you%20can%20see%20results%20right%20away%20from%20the%20material.[/op_question] [op_question question="What%20if%20I'm%20not%20making%20much%20money%20now%3F%20"]Anybody%2C%20even%20those%20making%20minimum%20wage%2C%20can%20one%20day%20achieve%20financial%20independence.%20In%20fact%2C%20you%20may%20actually%20be%20at%20an%20advantage%20because%20you%20are%20not%20accustomed%20to%20a%20more%20expensive%20lifestyle.%0A%0AThere%20is%20always%20room%20to%20cut%20your%20expenses%2C%20and%20parts%20of%20this%20course%20also%20focus%20on%20increasing%20your%20income.%20Financial%20independence%20is%20readily%20available%20to%20anybody%20who's%20willing%20to%20work%20hard%20enough%20for%20it.[/op_question] [op_question question="Do%20I%20need%20any%20financial%20knowledge%20to%20succeed%20with%20this%20course%3F%20"]Not%20at%20all!%20The%20strategies%20discussed%20in%20this%20course%20require%20very%20little%20maintenance%20and%20upkeep%2C%20and%20no%20financial%20or%20economic%20knowledge.[/op_question] [op_question question="Is%20it%20too%20late%20for%20me%20to%20achieve%20financial%20independence%3F"]Probably%20not.%20Although%20you%20certainly%20have%20an%20advantage%20by%20starting%20early%20on%20in%20life%2C%20it%20is%20certainly%20possible%20to%20achieve%20financial%20independence%20starting%20in%20your%2050's%2C%2060's%20and%20beyond.%20This%20many%20require%20stricter%20financial%20discipline%2C%20but%20it%20doesn't%20make%20it%20impossible.[/op_question]

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A $497 Value For A One-Time Payment Of Only $97!

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If for any reason you’re not satisfied beyond your expectations, you’re welcome to take advantage of my 30-day refund guarantee! There is no hassle whatsoever, and best of all – no hard feelings!

I Want To Hear From You!

Questions, comments, or concerns? Email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible!