Blogging For Money
Build a profitable blog, a raging audience, and an income source that works for you around the clock.
Blogging Was Never Meant To Be Difficult
Does the idea of building a successful blog excite you?
Write an article, hit the publish button, and watch the cash flow in. Sounds simple, right?
Of course, it doesn't take long to figure out that it's not that easy.
Blogging at its core is not something difficult. It is not meant to be a frustrating experience. The problem is, there are many moving pieces, and if one aspect isn't handled correctly, the whole thing crumbles.
The funny thing is, when you have the right strategy in place, blogging becomes easy. So easy in fact, that somebody who is starting their first blog can run with it and find success.
(Let's be real. There are thousands of examples of terrible writers making $100,000+ / year blogging.)
The Four Things Every Blog Needs In Order To Succeed
1. The right foundation. Get this wrong, and nothing else will be able to save you. Having the right foundation means that your blog is in a niche with the potential to make money, is well-designed, and it's easy to navigate.
2. Content that drives action. Whether you're blogging to grow an audience, generate leads, or sell products directly, everything stems from your content. This not only means that you're writing content that has a chance to be found, but is also designed for your target goal.
Doing this doesn't require you to be a good writer, or even to be an expert in your niche. (Both of those help of course.)
3. A steady stream of growing traffic. It doesn't matter how good your content is, if nobody ever finds it. In order to grow an audience of raving fans spreads the word about your blog, you have to know how to find those visitors in the first place - or structure your content so they come to you. Learn to pull traffic in around the clock, and you'll be making money around the clock.
4. Monetizing that traffic. Once you have visitors, you must have a way to convert them into cash. With so many different ways to monetize your blog today, it's important to maximize the value of each visitor. Get this right, and you could make twice the money with 10% of the audience.
Master these four things, and you'll never struggle to make money online again.
Introducing Your Complete Guide To Blogging
After 14 years of blogging, I've gotten it down to a science, and I share everything in my Blogging For Money course. Blogging has not gotten more difficult - it has only changed.
(Those saying blogging no longer works probably executed on outdated information... which is surprisingly common.)
This course is going to act as your complete guide to blogging. Whether you've been blogging for years or you've never even heard the word before, there is something for you in this course.
Let me take you by the hand and show you exactly what you need to do to not only start a blog, but create great content, bring visitors to that content, and then profit from them!
Additionally, if you're already running an existing business but want to utilize blogging as a marketing or sales channel, this course is perfectly suited to helping you achieve your business goals.
My blogging for money course has over 70 lectures and 5 hours worth of content, which will save you hundreds, or even thousands of hours in the long run of struggling to grow your business.
I know because I've been there. As someone who's been blogging for the past 14 years, I've made every mistake in the book, and the lessons taught in this course took me years to learn. I don't want that to be you. I want you to take this insider knowledge, go out there, and immediately put it to use.
While making money blogging is certainly no walk in the park, if you put in the hard work necessary to succeed, you too can be the next person to quit their day job forever to be a self-employed blogger - and take your business to entirely new levels!

Donna Merrill
I have taken this course and only wish that I have known this when I started blogging. I had to do it the trial and error way, that took time. James takes a step by step approach that is easy to understand and also it is actionable.
Here's What You're Going To Get
Lecture List
Section One: Introduction
- 1Introduction To Me And The Course
- 2Why Blogging Is So Powerful And Potentially Life-changing!
- 3Section One Quiz
Section Two: Getting Your Blog Online
- 1Choosing Your Perfect Niche
- 2You Don't Need To Be An Expert In Your Niche. Here's Why!
- 3250+ Great Niches!
- 4What To Do If You Want To Cover Multiple Niches
- 5Choosing Your Ideal Domain Name
- 6Choosing Your Web Host
- 7Installing WordPress - I Walk You Through Step-By-Step!
- 8How To Choose Your Perfect WordPress Theme!
- 9Make Sure Your Site Loads Quickly - Caching, Optimization Tips, And Maximizing Page Speed
- 10Section Two Quiz
Section Three: Creating Content That Works
- 1Three Pages Every Blog MUST Have!
- 2Understanding And Complying With GDPR
- 3Tracking Your Visitors With Google Analytics + Google Webmaster Tools
- 4How To Create Content That ACTUALLY Makes Money
- 5How To Come Up With Infinite Blog Post Ideas
- 6How To Combat Writer's Block - Staying On Track
- 7Supporting Content With Images And Media - Visually Engage Your Readers!
- 8Get Free Images For Your Blog Posts With These Websites!
- 9Before You Publish, Check For These Three Things!
- 10How Often Should You Publish New Articles?
- 11You MUST Enable Comments - Here’s Why
- 12Spam Management - Eliminating Spammers From Your Website
- 13Outsourcing Work To Freelancers - Do Less Work And Make More Money!
- 14Securing Your Blog - Don't Leave Yourself Vulnerable To Hackers!
- 156 WordPress Plugins Every Blog Needs!
- 16The Ultimate Content Repurposing Strategy
- 17Section Three Quiz
Section Four: Building Traffic
- 1Attracting The Right People Who Will Make You The Most Money
- 2Making Your Site Search Engine Friendly
- 3Understanding Backlinks - Here's The Truth Among So Much Misinformation!
- 4The Truth On Search Engines
- 5Utilizing YouTube + What Goes Into A Great Video
- 6Succeeding With Social Media - Make Your Articles Go Viral!
- 7Exploring Each Social Network In More Detail
- 8Forum Posting For Free, Long-Term Traffic
- 9Blog Commenting As A Traffic Generation And Networking Tool
- 10Utilizing Quora For Brand Building And Traffic Generation
- 11Networking + Guest Blogging - Leverage Other People To Skyrocket Your Growth!
- 12A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Friends With Influential Bloggers!
- 13Retaining Your Visitors - Building An Email List
- 14Drastically Increase Opt-Ins With These Little-Known Methods!
- 15Content Is King - Everything Stems From Your Content!
- 16Section Four Quiz
Section Five: Making Money From Your Blog
- 1Google Adsense - Generate Passive Income Doing Nothing But Hosting Ads!
- 2Affiliate Marketing - Market Other People's Products And Earn A Commission!
- 3Affiliate Marketing Terms, And Choosing The Best Networks For You
- 4Selling Ad Space + Sponsored Posts - Get Advertisers To Pay You A Huge Lump Sum!
- 57 Things Brand Look For When Choosing Blogs For Sponsored Posts
- 6Creating Your Very Own Product! No Money Or Huge Ideas Required!
- 7Building Your Product Release Strategy, And Five Ideas Proven To Drive Purchases
- 8Recruiting Affiliates To Promote Your Product For You
- 9Selling Your Services (For A Premium Price!)
- 10The Key To Maximizing Your Earnings - This Is Important!
- 11Section Five Quiz
Section Six: The Core Blogging Strategies
- 1Introduction To This Section
- 2Strategy One: The Content Machine (Plus Keyword Research And Domain Authority)
- 3Strategy Two: The Competitive Link Builder (Plus Building Backlinks And Ranking Competitive Pages)
- 4Strategy Three: The Direct Response Marketer (Plus Retargeting Visitors)
- 5Strategy Four: The Personal Blogger
- 6Strategy Five: The Influencer Model
Section Seven: Conclusion And Bonuses
- 1Conclusion
- 2Going From Blog To Online Media Empire
- 3Reinvest Into Your Blog To Skyrocket Growth
- 410 Characteristics Of Highly Successful Bloggers
- 5Blog Content Blueprint (With 17 additional lectures!)
Everything You Need To Build A Successful Blog For Only...

This course by James McAllister is seriously good. Each module, he goes through everything step-by-step and leads you by the hand on what to do.
As a student, you can't help but learn from the valuable information he's teaching. This is a must get for anyone wanting to start their own web business --because he teaches that blogging is THAT powerful.
And guess what? It is.
Andrew Warner, Shade Of Info

Whether you are new to blogging or already have a site I'm sure you'll learn a lot from this course, because it teaches the tips I wish I had known BEFORE I started blogging, instead of having to find them out the hard way. You can (and should) incorporate the tips into an existing blog - but even better to do it right from the outset.
The instructor has prepared his material well, and the production quality is good.
What I particularly like is that the course is solid content without a load of hype and fluff. I learned a lot from this course.
Joy Healey,

Bonus: Blog Content Blueprint
The heart of any blog is its content. The question is, are you developing content that is actually having an impact? This blueprint contains 17 lectures and is all about creating content that will actually move the needle for your business. Some example topics include…
- Structuring content for different objectives (direct sales, lead generation, brand awareness, etc.)
- Writing content that people are actually searching for (and ensuring each article has a measurable impact)
- Generating limitless content ideas, so you never struggle to come up with things to write about again.
This is one of my most popular business blueprints, and is a $47 value. For a limited time, it is bundled with my blogging course for free!
How To Purchase
This course can either be purchased individually, or as part of my VIP Club.
Joining grants access to all of my courses and blueprints, as well as a few other bonuses:
- VIP Club community
- Webinar replays
- Stock music library
- Book notes library
You can learn more about what's included by clicking here.
Blogging For Money
$297 / One-Time

Secure Payment

You've Got Nothing To Lose!
If for any reason you’re not satisfied beyond your expectations, you’re welcome to take advantage of my 30-day refund guarantee. There is no hassle whatsoever, and best of all – no hard feelings!
Frequently Asked Questions
What format are the lectures in?
How long will it take to complete?
What types of businesses does this work for?
Are there any upsells?
I'm completely new. Can I do this?
Do I need any technical knowledge?
I'm already an established blogger. Will I still gain value from this course?
Will I have access to everything after signing up?
Are certificates available?
Does this course guarantee success?
What's the difference between this and the $997 courses other marketers are promoting?
This course is great for people who are considering becoming professional bloggers. It takes you through the A-Z of blogging. I now have a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to become a successful blogger and how to make some money from it. James is a no-nonsense guy and is honest about what it takes to become a professional blogger.
Leonie Sherlock
James McAllister
About the Author
Hey there! My name is James McAllister, and I've been blogging online for 14 years now.
Over this time, I've had the opportunity to hone my skills in a number of the world's most competitive markets, including parenting, computer tech, and entrepreneurship. I've connected with hundreds of the world's leading experts in blogging, and discovered exactly what works when it comes to blogging success - and what things should be avoided.
Truth be told, I'd likely be years ahead if a resource like this was available to me when I started. However, unfortunately I was not so lucky.
Blogging is so special to me because everything I do stems from it. My social pages, my email list, my YouTube channel, my eCommerce stores - none of them would have been possible without my blogs. When you master blogging, you can channel that attention to any projects or products you desire. It truly is one of the most powerful marketing mediums available.
Therefore, I'll be right alongside you through every step of this course, answering any questions you may have and helping to guide you to blogging success. If there's ever anything I can do for you, I'm always happy to help.
What Are You Waiting For?
Join over 1,900 students who have already enrolled!
Blogging For Money
$297 / One-Time

Secure Payment

You've Got Nothing To Lose!
If for any reason you’re not satisfied beyond your expectations, you’re welcome to take advantage of my 30-day refund guarantee. There is no hassle whatsoever, and best of all – no hard feelings!
I Want To Hear From You!
Questions, comments, or concerns? Email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible!